C&A Accountants Pty Ltd offer Brisbane, regional QLD and northern NSW clients the full suite of accounting, taxation and business advisory services including…
We have recently updated our computer systems to allow for provision of digital returns and reports and electronic signatures of ATO and ASIC documents. Protecting your security and providing access to digital information.
Considering a move to a friendly regional community only 2 1/2 hours from Brisbane where there is a bit more space and a quieter family orientated way of life?
We are looking for someone to join our team as a “Client Manager” with appropriate experience and qualifications.
Our business has been established for more than 40 years, operates modern cloud based software, and has a diverse range of fantastic clients in the region and surrounds (including Brisbane).
Our team is made up of dedicated, friendly, long serving members striving to provide quality professional accounting, tax and business services to our clients.
If you’d like to talk about this opportunity please call us to arrange a meeting (in person or virtual) to discuss.
Accounting for Small Business
Taxation for Small Business
Personal Taxation Services
Self Managed Superannuation
9/29 Cinderella Drive
13 Hilton Street
Postal Address
PO Box 313
Telephone: (07) 4681 5400
Facsimile: (07) 4681 5444
Email: [email protected]
Open Monday to Friday
8.30am – 5pm
(after hours appointments available by arrangement)
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.